Leadership at the crossroads: How to lead professionals in times of digital transformation.
Jonsson, A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2024). Leadership at the crossroads: How to lead professionals in times of digital transformation. Paper accepted and presented at EGOS conference, , Milan, Italy, July 4-6 July 2023.
Nurturing digital nomads and (re-)configuring professional identities and roles
Jonsson, A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2023). Nurturing digital nomads and (re-)configuring professional identities and roles. Paper accepted and presented at EGOS conference, July 6-9, Cagliari, Italy, 2023.
Nurturing digital nomads and (re-)configuring professional roles.
Jonsson A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2023) Nurturing digital nomads and (re-)configuring professional roles. Paper accepted and presented at DBOSI’23 - the 5th Nordic Workshop on Digital Foundations of Business, Operations, Strategy, and Innovation. 2-3 February 2023, Oslo, Norway.
Organizing ecosystems for collaborative learning
Jonsson, A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2023) Organizing ecosystems for collaborative learning: How professional worker’s identities are affected when firms seek knowledge beyond professional and organizational boundaries. Paper accepted and to be presented at Human Relations 75th Anniversary Conference, 19-21 April 2023.
Communication competence in doctoral education
Communication competence in doctoral education Arvidson, S., Davies, S., Fleetwood, A. M., Jonsson, A. & Stier, J. (2022) Communication competence in doctoral education – enhancing the abilities to reach out and bridging the gap!. Paper accepted and presented at ESOF conference, July 13-16, Leiden, 2022.
Organizing ecosystems for collaborative learning
Organizing ecosystems for collaborative learning Jonsson, A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2022). Organizing ecosystems for collaborative learning:Boundary spanning in a professional service firm. Paper accepted and presented at EGOS conference, July 9-7, Vienna, 2022.
To Organize Ecosystems for Learning
Jonsson, A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2021) To Organize Ecosystems for Learning - How PSFs seek new knowledge beyond professional and organizational boundaries. Paper accepted and virtually presented at Oxford Saïd conference on Professional Service Firms, September 12-14, 2021.
Reconfiguring professional knowledge work
Jonsson, A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2020) Reconfiguring professional knowledge work: A case study of LawFirm Innovation Lab. Paper accepted and presented at AMD virtual paper development workshop, 13 November 2020.
Reconfiguring professional knowledge work
Jonsson, A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2020) Reconfiguring professional knowledge work: A case study of LawFirm Innovation Lab. Paper accepted and presented at EGOS, Hamburg, 2-4 July 2020.
The role of epistemic signaling in transdisciplinary knowledge production.
Klintman, M., Grafström, M & Jonsson, A. (2020) The role of epistemic signaling in transdisciplinary knowledge production. Examples from the field of sustainable water management”, Scores rapportserie 2020: 6.
A case study of LawFirm Innovation Lab.
Jonsson, A., Kronblad, C. & Pemer, F. (2020) Reconfiguring professional knowledge work: A case study of LawFirm Innovation Lab. Paper accepted and presented at AMD virtual paper development workshop, 13 November 2020.
Towards a collaborative-based view of the global firm – beyond a western perspective.
Jonsson, A. (2018) Unleashing learning: Towards a collaborative-based view of the global firm – beyond a western perspective. Paper accepted and to be presented at the LAEMOS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22-24 March 2018
Navigera rätt bland utmaningar och möjligheter i den snabba strukturomvandlingen.
Digitalisering i handeln: Navigera rätt bland utmaningar och möjligheter i den snabba strukturomvandlingen. Handelsrådet, 2017 (Redaktör: Jenny Dahlerus).
Handelns digitalisering och förändrade affärer.
Jonsson, A., Egels-Zandén, N., Hagberg, J., Lammgård, C., och Sundström, M. (2017). Handelns digitalisering och förändrade affärer. Handelsrådet. Nr 2017:4.
The tension between functional stupidity and dysfunctional anxiety in public organisations
Jonsson, A. & Alvesson, M. (2017) The tension between functional stupidity and dysfunctional anxiety in public organisations. Paper accepted and to be presented at the NFF 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Bodö, Norway, 23-25 August 2017.
Collaborating across societal sectors: A buzzword or a governance mechanism for research?
Grafström, M., Jonsson, A. & Klintman, M. (2017) Collaborating across societal sectors: A buzzword or a governance mechanism for research? Paper accepted and to be presented at the NFF 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Bodö, Norway, 23-25 August 2017.
Organizational capability building: a case study of an emne’s quest for learning.
Jonsson, A. (2017) Organizational capability building: a case study of an emne’s quest for learning. Paper accepted and to be presented at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-8th July 2017.
Organizational capability building: A case study of an EMNE’s quest for learning.
Jonsson, A. (2017) Organizational capability building: A case study of an EMNE’s quest for learning. Paper accepted and to be presented at EGOS, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6th-8th July 2017.
Digitalizing IKEA: From a strategy-as-practice perspective.
Egels-Zandén, N., Hagberg, J. & Jonsson, A. (2016) Digitalizing IKEA: From a strategy-as-practice perspective. Paper accepted and to be presented at NRWC, Aarhus, Denmark, 9-10th November 2016
Value co-creation in a digitalized retail context: learning how to learn from customers.
Jonsson, A. & Sundström, M. (2016) Value co-creation in a digitalized retail context: learning how to learn from customers. Paper accepted and to be presented at CERR, Toulouse, France, 2nd-4th June, 2016
How digitalization affects the logics for value co-creation and learning.
Jonsson, A. & Sundström, M. (2016) How digitalization affects the logics for value co-creation and learning. Paper accepted and to be presented at EIRASS, Edinburgh, Scotland, 11th-14th July, 2016
Retail digitalization: A research agenda for how to meet the on-going transformation process.
Jonsson, A. (2015c) Retail digitalization: A research agenda for how to meet the on-going transformation process. Paper accepted for EAERCD, Rennes, France, 1-3 July 2015.
Creativity, reflexivity and responsibility through the iterative knowledge process of doing ethnographic work.
Jonsson, A. (2015b) Curiosity as methodology: Creativity, reflexivity and responsibility through the iterative knowledge process of doing ethnographic work. Paper accepted and to be presented at EGOS, Athens, Greece, 2-4 July 2015.
A case study of how a Swedish retailer prepare for the next wave of industrialization.
Jonsson, A. (2015a) Digitalization as a force and enabler for knowledge integration: A case study of how a Swedish retailer prepare for the next wave of industrialization. Paper accepted and to be presented at SNEE conference 2015, Mölle, Sweden, 19-22 May 2015.
Case studies of Volvo and IKEA.
Vahlne, J-E. & Jonsson, A. (2015) Evolution of the global firm and the role of ambidexterityas a dynamic capability: Case studies of Volvo and IKEA. Paper accepted and to be presented at SNEE conference 2015, Mölle, Sweden, 19-22 May 2015.
The relationship between e-commerce and export sales of Swedish retail firms.
Tolstoy, D. & Jonsson, A. (2014) The relationship between e-commerce and export sales of Swedish retail firms. Paper accepted for EIBA conference, 11-13th December 2014, Uppsala, Sweden.
Challenges and opportunities for European firms when emerging markets firms look for MNEs
Jonsson, A. (2014b) Dragons with horsepower: Challenges and opportunities for European firms when emerging markets firms look for MNEs. Paper accepted and to be presented at SNEE conference 2014, Mölle, Sweden, 20-23 May 2014.
Jonsson, A. (2014a) Emerging market enterprises going international through acquisitions: "We show you the money, you show us the experience!" Paper accepted for EGOS, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, July 3-5, 2014.
Elite professional service firms as collaborative communities.
Empson, L. & Jonsson, A. (2013) Cult(ures) of collegiality and control: Elite professional service firms as collaborative communities. Paper accepted for EGOS, Montréal, Canada, July 4-6, 2013.
Den svenska modellen för att vara och förbli konkurrenskraftig – vad kan Europa lära sig av svenska företag.
Jonsson, A. (2013) Den svenska modellen för att vara och förbli konkurrenskraftig – vad kan Europa lära sig av svenska företag. Papper accepterat till 15:e SNEE konferensen i Mölle. 21-24 maj, 2013.
Reflections from a one year ethnographic study amongst knowledge specialists.
Jonsson, A. (2012c) Curiosity as methodology: Reflections from a one year ethnographic study amongst knowledge specialists. Abstract accepted to be presented at Curiosity and serendipity – a conference on qualitative methods in social sciences. Lund, Sweden, 20-21 September.
Designing a learning culture for how to develop (into) a profession(al).
Jonsson, A. (2012b) Sharing knowledge through shared identity: Designing a learning culture for how to develop (into) a profession(al). Paper accepted and presented at EGOS conference, Helsinki, Finland, 4-7 July.
Beyond knowledge management – understanding how to share knowledge through logic and practice.
Jonsson, A. (2012a) Beyond knowledge management – understanding how to share knowledge through logic and practice. Paper accepted and presented at OLKC Valencia, Spain, 25-27 April.
Importing Swedish retail companies: the relationship between a global purchasing capability and performance.
Jonsson, A., Sharma, D. & Tolstoy, D. (2011b) Importing Swedish retail companies: the relationship between a global purchasing capability and performance. Paper accepted and presented at EIBA conference, Bukarest, Romania, 8-10 December.
The impact of global purchasing on the performance of importing Swedish retail firms.
Jonsson, A, Sharma, D & Tolstoy, D. (2011a) The impact of global purchasing on the performance of importing Swedish retail firms. Paper accepted for the Extenda Workshop on Internationalization in Business, Cadiz, Spain, 29-20 September.
An ethnographic study in a professional service organization.
Jonsson, A. (2010b) Individual motivation to share and use knowledge amongst specialists: An ethnographic study in a professional service organization. Accepted conference paper for the Conference on Knowledge in Organizations, Monte Verità, Switzerland, 30 May- 3 June.
An ethnographic study in a professional service organization.
Jonsson, A (2010a) Sharing knowledge amongst specialists: An ethnographic study in a professional service organization. Accepted and presented paper for the EGOS conference, Lisboa, Portugal, 1-3 July.
Replication as strategy in IKEA.
Jonsson, A & Foss, N. (2010a) Tracking a moving arrow core: Replication as strategy in IKEA. Accepted and presented paper for the Fourth International Conference on Organizational Routines, Nice, France, 11-12 June.
Replication as strategy in IKEA.
Jonsson, A & Foss, N (2010b) Tracking a moving arrow core: Replication as strategy in IKEA. Accepted and presented paper for the Academy of International Business, Brazil , 25-29 June.
Replication as strategy in IKEA.
Jonsson, A. & Foss, N, (2010c) Tracking a moving arrow core: Replication as strategy in IKEA. Accepted and presented paper for the Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August.
A case study of IKEA and the impact of corporate values.
Jonsson, A. (2009b) Knowledge sharing in the everyday work: A case study of IKEA and the impact of corporate values. Accepted conference paper for the NFF conference, Finland 2009.
Embedded knowledge sharing through the practice of firm values: the IKEA case.
Jonsson, A, (2009a) Embedded knowledge sharing through the practice of firm values: the IKEA case. Accepted paper for the EGOS conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 July.
Towards a value drive internationalization theory.
Jonsson, A (2009c) Towards a value drive internationalization theory. The IKEA case. Paper submitted to SMS, Washington, USA.
A case study of IKEA and the impact of corporate values.
Jonsson, A. (2009b) Knowledge sharing in the everyday work: A case study of IKEA and the impact of corporate values. Paper to be presented at NFF, Åbo, Finland.
Embedded knowledge sharing through the practice of firm values: the IKEA case.
Jonsson, A, (2009a) Embedded knowledge sharing through the practice of firm values: the IKEA case. Paper to be presented at EGOS, Barcelona, Spain.
Managing knowledge across borders: a study within the IKEA world.
Jonsson, A. (2008d) Managing knowledge across borders: a study within the IKEA world. Paper accepted and presented at SMS, Cologne, Germany, 12-15 October.
Managing Knowledge Across Borders: The IKEA Solution.
Jonsson, A. (2008b) Managing Knowledge Across Borders: The IKEA Solution. Paper accepted and presented at CIMaR, Rio de Janero, Brazil, 17-21 June.
Shadowing best practices – observering the useful ones: Knowing in practice at IKEA Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2008c) Shadowing best practices – observering the useful ones: Knowing in practice at IKEA Japan. Paper accepted and presented at EGOS, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10-12 July.
A study of IKEA’s efforts to (re-)enter the Japanese market.
Jonsson, A. (2008a) The impact and outcome of knowledge sharing: A study of IKEA’s efforts to (re-)enter the Japanese market. Paper accepted and presented at OLKC, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28-30 April.
Lessons learnt from IKEA’s entry into China, Russia and Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2007j) A transnational perspective on retail internationalization: Lessons learnt from IKEA’s entry into China, Russia and Japan. Paper accepted and presented at SMS, San Diego, USA, 14-17 October.
The learning paradox: An observation of knowledge sharing at IKEA Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2007i) The learning paradox: An observation of knowledge sharing at IKEA Japan. Paper accepted and presented at SMS, San Diego, USA, 14-17 October.
A case study of IKEA’s efforts to enter international markets.
Jonsson, A. (2007h) In search for orientation: A case study of IKEA’s efforts to enter international markets. Paper accepted for NFF, Bergen, Norway, 9-11 August.
The impact and outcome of knowledge sharing.
Jonsson, A. (2007g) IKEA’s efforts to (re-)enter the Japan: The impact and outcome of knowledge sharing. Paper accepted for NFF, Bergen, Norway, 9-11 August.
A participant observation at IKEA in Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2007k) Knowledge sharing at micro level: A participant observation at IKEA in Japan. The Institute of Economic Research Working Paper Series, 2007:2.
Lessons learnt from IKEA’s entry into Russia, China and Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2007e) A transnational perspective on knowledge sharing: Lessons learnt from IKEA’s entry into Russia, China and Japan. Paper accepted for Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA, 3-8 August.
An observation of knowledge sharing at IKEA Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2007d) The learning paradox: An observation of knowledge sharing at IKEA Japan. Paper accepted and presented at EGOS, Vienna, Austria, 5-7 July.
A study of IKEA’s efforts to (re-)enter the Japanese market
Jonsson, A. (2007c) The impact and outcome of knowledge sharing: A study of IKEA’s efforts to (re-)enter the Japanese market. Paper accepted for OLKC, Ontario, Canada, 14-17 June.
Lessons learnt from IKEA’s entry into China, Russia and Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2007b) A transnational perspective on retail internationalization: Lessons learnt from IKEA’s entry into China, Russia and Japan. Paper accepted for OLKC, Ontario, Canada, 14-17 June.
Lessons learnt from IKEA’s entry into China, Russia and Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2007a) A transnational perspective on retail internationalization: Lessons learnt from IKEA’s entry into China, Russia and Japan. Paper accepted and presented at CIMaR, Manchester, Great Britain, 17-20 May.
Case studies of IKEA and SCA.
Jonsson, A & Kalling, T. (2006b) Institutional challenges to knowledge sharing across national and intra-organizational boundaries; Case studies of IKEA and SCA. Paper accepted and presented at EGOS, Bergen, Norway, 6-8 July.
Knowledge sharing in IKEA and SCA.
Jonsson, A, & Kalling, T. (2006a) Knowledge, organizational context and institutional forces: Knowledge sharing in IKEA and SCA. Paper accepted and presented at OLKC, Warwick, Great Britain, 20-22 March.
Case studies of IKEA’s entry into Russia, China and Japan.
Jonsson, A. (2006f) A transnational perspective on knowledge sharing in retail internationalization: Case studies of IKEA’s entry into Russia, China and Japan. Paper accepted and presented at the 4th workshop of SARD, Kobe, Japan, 24-26 November.
IKEA - A transnational retailer. Paper accepted for AMS Retail Conference
Jonsson, A. (2006e) IKEA - A transnational retailer. Paper accepted for AMS Retail Conference”, Orlando, Florida, 1-5 November.
Replicating IKEA: Challenges with a global strategy
Jonsson A. (2006d) Replicating IKEA: Challenges with a global strategy”. Paper accepted and presented at SMS, Vienna, Austria, 29 October – 1 November.
Replication as strategy for internationalization; A case study of IKEA.
Jonsson, A. (2006b) Replication as strategy for internationalization; A case study of IKEA. Paper accepted and presented for AIB UK Conference, Manchester, Great Britain, 6-8 March.
IKEA’s entry into Russia.
Jonsson, A & Elg, U. (2005) Knowledge and knowledge sharing in retail internationalization: IKEA’s entry into Russia. Paper accepted and presented at the 13th EAERCD Conference, Lund, 29 June – 1 July.
A qualitative case study of IKEAs expansion into the Russian market
Jonsson, A. (2005a) Retail internationalization and the role of knowledge sharing: A qualitative case study of IKEAs expansion into the Russian market”. Paper accepted and presented at OLK, Trento, Italy, 8-11 June.
Retail internationalization and the role of knowledge sharing - the case of IKEAs expansion into the Russian market.
Jonsson, A. (2005b) Retail internationalization and the role of knowledge sharing - the case of IKEAs expansion into the Russian market. Paper accepted and presented at OKLC, Boston, USA, 16-19 March.