Attending EGOS in Athens, Greece, 3-5 July 2025, together with Charlotta Kronblad and Frida Pemer.
Sub-theme 34: How Digital Technologies are (Re-)Creating Professions
Sub-theme 90: Challenges of University Creativity
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Attending EGOS in Athens, Greece, 3-5 July 2025, together with Charlotta Kronblad and Frida Pemer.
Sub-theme 34: How Digital Technologies are (Re-)Creating Professions
Sub-theme 90: Challenges of University Creativity
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Attending EGOS in Milan, Italy, 4-6 July 2024, together with Charlotta Kronblad and Frida Pemer.
Sub-theme 34: Digital Disruption: Professions at the Crossroads?
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In “Engaging in Societal Collaboration Through Reflexivity: Experiences from a Cross-Disciplinary Pilot Course for Faculty” Eugenia Perez Vico, Diamanto Politis and I share the reflections from our cross-disciplinary pilot course and discuss the need for a reflexive scholarship. In an edited volume on how universities matter, by Pauline Mattsson, Eugenia Perez Vico and Linus Salö.
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Medverkar tillsammans med Frida Pemer och Charlotta Kronblad i Human Relations 75th Anniversary Conference, 19-21 April 2023.
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Mats Alvesson and I have written an article on the meaning – or meaninglessness – with scorecards in Journal of Management Studies.
A reflexive note on what I have learnt (so far) about learning. In a new book on Workplace and Organizational Learning edited by Bente Elkjær, Maja Marie Lotz and Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen
I am more than honored to have co-authored this super interesting case study with Jan-Erik Vahlne. And to finally have it published. Approximately 45 years after their seminal work – the Johansson and Vahlne model, also known as the Uppsala model – we present the Jonsson and Vahlne model!
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Rapport om lärdomar från att initiera och organisera en kurs om samverkan, tillsammans med Eugenia Perez Vico och Diamanto Politis
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Nytt anslag från Riksbankens Jubileumsfond för forskningsprojektet ”Att organisera ekosystem för lärande: Hur professionella tjänsteföretag söker kunskap utanför professionens och organisationens gränser. Projektet kommer att genomföras tillsammans med Frida Pemer (projektledare) och Charlotta Kronblad.
Läs mer om kommunikationsprojektet.