Dicussion and workshop on how to survive as a postdoctor.
Gothenburg, Chalmers, Gothenburg University, 26th May 2016
Lund, School of Economics & Management, Lund University, 31st May 2016. Read more here.
Dicussion and workshop on how to survive as a postdoctor.
Gothenburg, Chalmers, Gothenburg University, 26th May 2016
Lund, School of Economics & Management, Lund University, 31st May 2016. Read more here.
Paper accepted and to be presented at CERR, Toulouse, France, 2nd-4th June, 2016.
Read more about CERR, here.
Ansvarig för bokrecensioner i kommande nummer av ”Organisation & Samhälle” – en företagsekonomisk ämnestidskrift där forskare ger sina perspektiv på aktuella teman i samhällsdebatten. Mer om tidskriften här.
Tips på relevanta böcker för recension tas gärna emot via e-post; anna.jonsson@fek.lu.se